in their allegiance; and Arthur Murphy was full of wonder 1759.
at his suhmitting to contradiction, when they dined together -^
this last Christmas day with young Mr. Burke of Wimpole-
street. But not more known or conspicuous was the con-
sideration thus exacted, than the poverty which still waited
on it, and claimed its share. So might literature avenge
herself, in this penniless champion, for the disgrace of the
money-hags of Walpole and Pelham. " I have several times
" called on Johnson," wrote Grainger to Percy, some months
before the present date, " to pay him part of your subscrip-
" tion" (for his edition of Shakspeare). " I say part, because
" he never thinks of working if he has a couple of guineas in
" his pocket." * And again, a month later: " As to his
" Shakspeare, movet, seel non protnovet. I shall feed him
" occasionally with guineas." f It was thus the good Mr.
Newbery found it best to feed him too; and in that worthy
publisher's papers many memoranda of the present year were

Idler into two small volumes, when the arrangement seems to have been that
Johnson should receive two-thirds of the profits. It shows the growing popularity
of Johnson, and is also worth comparing with similar charges in our own time.

"Dr. £ s. d.
Paid for Advertising . 20 0 6
Printing two vols, 1500 41 13 0
Paper . . . . 52 3 0
"Or. •• £ s. d.
1500 Sets at 161. per 100 . 240 0 0
Dr. Johnson two-thirds . 84 2 4
Mr. Newbery one-third . 42 1 2

113 16 6
Profit on the Edition . 126 3 6
126 3 6

240 0 0
Prior, i. 357.
* Nichols's Illustrations, vii. 259.
t Hid, 261. Letter of 20th July, 1758. Mr. John Nichols communicated to
Boswell the subjoined anecdote. " In the year 1763 a young bookseller, -who was
" an apprentice to Mr. "Whiston, waited on him with a subscription to his
'' Shakspeare ; and observing that the doctor made no entry in any book of the
" subscriber's name, ventured diindently to ask whether he would please to have
"the gentleman's address, that it might be properly inserted in the printed
" list of subscribers. ' I shall print no list of siibsoribers,'' said Johnson, with
'' great abruptness; but almost immediately recollecting himself, added, very