1764. twice, for " a pint of ale," and two-pence for " opodeldock,"
MUSS, express his very humble " extras."* The impression left by
this bill is borne out byNewbery's concurrent memoranda of
money advanced; in sums ridiculously small, and for such
work as the revision of short translations, and papers for the
* I subjoin the account from the Newbery MSS, Prior, ii. 12-13.
" 1764. Doct. Goldsmith Dr. to Eliz. Fleming.
To the rent of the room from Dec. 25 to March 29. .£117 6

April 2. A post letter.......001
3. The stage-coach to London . . . .006
7. Lent to pay the laundress . . . ..010

11. A post letter.......001
15. A parcel by the coach . ,. . ..002
18. A post letter . . . . . .001
19. Sassafras........006
25. Sassafras . . . . . . .006
May 2. Sassafras.......006
3. A post letter......GOT
7. A post letter.......001
Gave the boy for carrying a parcel to Pall Mall .008
12. Sassafras .......006
16. A post letter......004
17. Pens and paper , . .... ..013
21. Sassafras . . . . . . .006
23. A post letter.......001
24. Lent in cash......0,010
A pint of ale . . . . . ..002
25. Paper.......006
28. Sassafras.......006
June 8. A letter to the post . . . . ..001
9. Lent in cash......012
Sassafras. ..'.....006
21. Lent in cash......006
27. A post letter.......001
28. A post letter......001
30. Sassafras.......006
To cleaning shoes . . . . . .026
Washing and Mending.
April 17. 3 Shirts, 3 neckcloths, 4 pair of stockings ..015^
May 3. 2 Shirts, 2 neckcloths, 1 cap . . . .009^

12. 4 Shirts, 4 neckcloths, 3 pair of stockings ..019
To mending 3 pair of stockings . . .003

26. 3 Shirts, 3 neckcloths, 1 pair stockings . . 0 1 2£
Carried forward £2 17