" been theii1 only support. I thought myself at home, being not far from my good
" friend's house, and therefore parted with a moiety of all my store ; and pray,
" mother, ought I not to have given her the other half-crown, for what she got
" would be of little use to her ?—However I soon arrived at the mansion of my
" affectionate friend, guarded by the vigilance of a huge mastiff, who flew at me
" and would have torn me to pieces but for the assistance of a woman, whose
" countenance was not less grim than that of the dog; yet she with great humanity
" relieved me from the jaws of this Cerberus, and was prevailed onto carry tip my
" name to her master.

" Without suffering me to wait long, my old friend, who was then recovering
" from a severe fit of sickness, came down in his night-cap, night-gown, and
" slippers, and embraced me with the most cordial welcome, showed me in, and,
" after giving me a history of his indisposition, assured me that he considered
" himself peculiarly fortunate in having under his roof the man he most loved
'' on earth, and whose stay with him must, above all things, contribute to his
" perfect recovery. I now repented sorely I had not given the poor woman the
" other half-crown, as I thought all my bills of humanity would be punctually
" answered by this worthy man. I revealed to him my whole soul; I opened to
" him all my distresses ; and freely owned that I had but one half-crown in my
" pocket; but that now, like a ship after weathering out the storm, I considered
" myself secure in a safe and hospitable harbour. He made no answer, Invfc
" walked about the room, rubbing his hands as one in deep study. This I
" imputed to the sympathetic feelings of a tender heart, which increased my esteem.
" for him., and, as that increased, I gave the most favourable interpretation to his
" silence. I construed it into delicacy of sentiment, as if he dreaded to wound my
" pride by expressing his commiseration in words, leaving Ms generous conduct to
" speak for itself.

" It now approached six o'clock in the evening, and as I had eaten no breakfast,
" and as my spirits were raised, my appetite for dinner grew uncommonly keen.
'' At length the old woman came into the room with two plates, one spoon, and a
" dirty cloth, which she laid upon the table. This appearance, without increasing
" my spirits, did not diminish my appetite. My protectress soon returned with a
" small bowl of sago, a small porringer of sour milk, a loaf of stale brown bread,
'' and the heel of an old cheese all over crawling with mites. My friend apologised
" that his illness obliged him to live on slops, and that better fare was not in the
"house; observing, at the same time, that a milk diet was certainly the most
" healthful; and at eight o'clock he again recommended a.regular life, declaring
" that for his part he would lie down with the lainl and rise idili Ac larlc. My
'' hunger was at this time so exceedingly sharp that I wished for another slice of
" the loaf, but was obliged to go to bed without even that refreshment.

" This lenten entertainment I had received made me resolve to depart as
" soon as possible ; accordingly next morning, when I spoke of going, he did not
" oppose my resolution ; he rather commended my design, adding some very sage
" counsel upon the occasion. ' To be sure,' said he, ' the longer you stay away
" ' from your mother the more you will grieve her and your other friends ; and
" ' possibly they are already afflicted at hearing of this foolish expedition you
" ' have made.' Notwithstanding all this, and without any hope of softening
" such a sordid heart, I again renewed the tale of my distress, and asking 'how
!' ' he thought I could travel above a hundred miles upon one half-crown ?' I