PREFACE. us he had borrowed them himself, except that 1 never aouglit to put them forth as my own discoveries, I was not assailed and insulted by him. I now proceed in the same way, with all possible brevity, through tho second volume of his book; merely premising, us a help to those who would have aomo clue to thin perpetual and strange desire to represent as from oral or written communication facts derived from printed sources, that Mr. Prior took occasion in the course of his attack upon mo expressly to lay clown tho doctrine, that what has boon printed for any given number of can no longer bo held new, or regarded in the light of a discovery; and as, in his own cKtetmi, ho in nothing if not a diHcoverer, and by conaut|ttene-c it proprietor, of facts, there ought to be little |H*rhapH to Hurpriw tin*, render in tlw foregoing and follow- ing At pp, l-ll of ihf second vciluitio then* is a viwt deal about (iold*utrith'M Oratorio of the f fn///i>i///» nbotit ilw fitnt of two riting at the* leant iss cnriuttH ax Mr. PriDrV, imd ei-rtninly m wirnxst (the *n»* hitvitig lireu tiiiidr fur Ntwbery, tilid tin- other fur Dudhley, nntl tbf lalrht in frittwrripfimi prr«siitmg tmly a few rlmugeM uf text fnuii the «»ihrn, ill the