PKBPAOB. And now, having gone through Mr. Prior's volumes, as I hope for the last time, I shall content myself with this further remark, that I ground nay claim to whatever merit my own volumes may possess, on the completeness of their contrast to his, and on the conviction that no two books so utterly unlike each other were ever before written on the same subject. !For a help to the reader's judgment in one direction only, I subjoin a mention of those pages in my volumes which contain facts, anecdotes, or personal traits exclusively relating to Goldsmith himself, here included for the first time in any Life of him j and I have placed an asterisk before the new facts or characteristics so affect- ing him personally, added to the present edition. Were I to attempt so to distinguish tho new matter introduced having relation to the time, and filling up the picture I seek to present of Goldsmith's associates and friends, it would involve a specification of almost every page. In tho first volume, 14, *39, *53-64, *C1, 68, 82, *82-83, *88-85, *85-87, 120, 157-158,169, *190, 265, 286, 287, *289, *296, 807, *311, 813, *825, 828, 806, 367, *879-880» *89B, 897, *405, and *441-443. In tho second volume, 9, 18, 19-20, 22, BO, *39, 42-4,3, BO, 69-60, 61, 65-68, 70, 71, 75, 76-81, 100- 101, 102, *104-105, *K)0-107, 108, 114-115, 115, 119- 120, 121-122, 125, *I26, 128, *180-131, 181, 132, 183, 184,189,141, 142-143,144-145,148,157-158, 158-159, *159, 160, 163464, 168, 179, 180, 194, 203-204, 205, 213, 220, *221, 227, *888, 237, *255-256, *265- 274, 275, 278-280, 282, 287, *293, *294-295, *295-297, nd exclusive