ADDITIONAL NOTES AND OOEEBCTIONS, (YOL. I.) Fleming accounts printed in those pages, and for some errors of transcription corrected by comparison with the original M'SS, see pp. 104-107, of my second volume. Besides the general receipt, quoted at the bottom of page 824, I may add that tho caxitious Mr. Newbery seems to havo required specific acknowledgments in addition. Thus on one sheet, among the papcru in Mr. Murray's possession, I find the following : "October 11, 1768. Iteceivd of Mr. John Newtay eleven guineas in full for " writing the introduction and preface to Dr. Brooke's Natural History. 'OwvMtt (iowi- "SMITH."—"Oct. 11, 17(18. Eeeeivd of Mr. John Newbory throe guineas for a "Preface to the History of the World. OMVMBQoM>HMmt."~"--"Oftt. 11,176.'!. lUscuivtl "of Mr. John Newbory twenty-one pounds, which, with what I rwoivd before, in in " full for the copy of tho History of England, in a series of Jotters, two vohuuoH in 1 JiSnio. " OLIVER GoMBMrra. "-•»•" Oct. 11, 1703. Iteeoivil of Mr, John Nowbory twenty-one " pounds for translating the Life of Christ, and the Lives of the Fatharn. UWVMH " SMIKI."'—At the top of another large sheet is'(Mdnmith'H promissory note "on " demand" for the balance named at p, 328. I porooive, too, that Newbery had a con- siderable share in a newspaper at Heading (hiu native place), and that (lolduntith's compilation about "the late war" (p. 824) bad been printed in tliia paper from, weuk to week before its publication in a collected form. P. 882. The quotation from Reynolds is at tho close of tho Sixth Distxrarao, Wark»t i. 186. P. 334, In the first lino of first note, insert "of State" after " Umlor Btararetery ;" and tho remark on tho great people, who nought oloctioji into tho (Hub (H3ff-83fi), requires to be modified by what tho reader will find on ft Hubwiquoiit pag« (ii. 107- 160). There seems to bo no donbt whatever that tho Monday UH'uthiKH of thu Cllult continued till December 1772, wJion the change to Friday tsiok phwo. Sou /'m\. 867, Is th« JRwopem Magazine (xxx. 100. Sopt, 1700.) At p, 888 tlw iwteri«h referring to ««te has dropped out, and should bo replaced at " no pnwiHii far it." At p. II7S, «j aneotlote appears for which I have given no authority. It i« told in /Vw* {!!, S8)» on the relation of Mrs. Gwyn, but I mw it ahw in an twljer p«Uiwaen, and Itaw J«ttl» VOfc. I.