ADDITIONAL NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. (VOL, TT.) letters, 290. "Who," asks Gfarriok, "wrote the Answer to Konrick'a Reviewf " Johnson sent it to me through Steevons last week—Imt mum—it is not quite tlifl " thing : by J.'B fondness for it, he must have felt 1C------. What tilings wo are I and " how little are we known !" Yet, on the other hand, flee Boawell, iv. ftOtf, for Johnson's amusing and contemptuous reiteration about'' the boy" who answered ICanriok. P. 439, I quote from the Newbery MBS. in Mr. Murray's possession. " Received " from Mr. Newbery eleven guineas -which 1 promise to pay. OMVHB ("•fri&MMifit, " January 8th, 1766." VOLUME II, Pages 15, 1(5. To the note I would add that there is also a pa/wago in Mm Pioa*i*M .Letters (i. 247), which shows how Johnson must liavo talked of thin among tint Htrt. "Well!" nlve writoH to Johnson, 24th June 1775, "(JruuniH pnnniiwd a reward, yon "remember, for him who should produce ft now delight; but the prisw wan iitwtr " obtained, for nothing that was now proved ddightful; and Dr. (loldnmith, SOOO " years afterwards, found out, that whoever did a now thing did a bad thing, and " whoever said a now tiling, said a Mao thiug." P. 16. The passage quoted from (Joetlio will be found in Mi*. QxeiiforrP* tmnvln- tion, i. 868 ; and at p. 18, the remark as to Fielding being contented with "tho husk" of life, while Richardson had picked "tho kernel," ifl in Mrs, PiossssPa Anecdnttat MS, P. 20. Eighth lino from tho top, "wliich evcm Jolm«w» tlionght," olumlil l»t "which Johnson himsolf thought," In Hpoaking of the foroign tmiinlati»iiM nf the Vwar of Wa/ccfifM, which are ningwlarly ninnoriiuH, and hi iihuowt ovory v}Hiktm language, I might have added one or two examples of tlu> mow Hiowiifc wliich I hnva myself seen. " Lo Minifitro do Wakeflold. I'reoddfio tl'nn Mwrny mir IH via t*b IUH t«nt* " d'Oliver Gfoldsinith. Par M. Heimeqiun, Paris, Hrfidrip, W2fi," Thin in very careful and good. "Lo Vioaire do Wakafield. Traduit par ChftrJe* Nitdkir. " Gorselin, 1841." The notioo l»y Nodior prefixed tn thw w ahftwnittg, *' U«r " predigor von Wakoiksld. Leipaio, 18Bfi." Huns a number «f illu»(,mtiiitw «r» reproduced from Westell, Another published in tha same city, MX ymn Ittlfir, Imn an abundant series of deliglitftil woodonte by LouiB Bhihter, vory liuinuruUM ntui pleasant. P. 82. Tho reference in tho third noto IB to tlw 1774 edition «>f tt»« Animatftt Nakwe. The words in the text do not appear in tha lute edition*, P. 65. For further uatioa) of this theatrical dhpute, wjd mueh eartow» raitfcteir In reference to the management, m® Poot'a Li/o qfMwpby, 846, &cs. P. 87. There is nothing mow impreiwJve in Johnwrn tlwm tha way in whinh h«» always speaks of poverty, "Poverty, my dear friwid, in wi K^*!* »"> «'vil, and " pregnant with so much temptation and so rauoh mbei*y, thnt I nmiHtt l«it, «mi«i»tlf " enjoin you to avoid it." To Boswell. March B8, 1782. *» 1'ovutiy tokw away m "many moans of doing good, aiul produces so tuuch Jiutliilily t»> mrf«4 avll, l*»tli " natural and moral, that it is by all virtuous meaiw to be Jivwitlwl." To Ik«w«H, Juno 3, 1782. "Poverty is a groat enemy to human hftppmww ; it,certaiuljr fatteny* " liberty ; and it inakea Home virtues impracticable, and tfUierx txte»wely iliftenlt."1 To Boswell. Doc. 7, 1782. P. 102. Tho reference to Forbes'« lAfr of JBtatHtt uliould Iw ili. 48. 1 will wM the whole paaaago. Tt is in a latter of Beattie to Forbta, July 10, 1788, " Wtort " she " [Mra. Piozjii in her lettew] " wys of GfolcUnaith i« ptafwlfy true. Ht w»s iht " only person I over knew who acknowledged hiwrnlf to bo envioas. to Jduwtf* "presence, &c. H0 oven envied the dead; Ji« »uld not bnu> lk»t which I have only partially quoted; and at p. 432, in connection with what