ADDITIONAL 'NOTES AND CORRECTIONS, (VOL. II.) P. 110. At the close of first note on this page I would desire the reader on the other hand to see what is said in. a recent admirable articlo on Gray in tlxe Quarterly llevieiv (xciv. 1-4). P. 113. Remove the marginal date from the opening of tho first paragraph to that of the second, and substitute for tho former "1767, M, 89." • P. 120. At close of the page, 157458, should bo 167-188. P, 146. Walpolo's olioraoterization of (Mdsraith as an "inspired idiot," is repeated in Forhes's .Beattie, and elicits from Mrs. Pumi an emphatic "very true," among the manuscript notes of her old ago already mentioned. P. 162. A good passage from one of Johnson's letters to Mrs. Thrale might here have been added to tho last note. "Of tho imitation of my stile, in a criticism on " Gray's Church-yard, I forgot to make mention, The autlumr is, I believe, utterly " unknown, for Mr. Steovons oannot hunt him out; I know little of it, for though it " was sent mo I never out the loaves • open, 1 had a letter with it raprtmeiiting it ta " me as my own work j in suoh an aooount to the publiok there may lie humour, but to " myself it was neither serious nor comical. I suspect the writer to bo wnHig-headtjd ; " as to the noise which it .makes, 1 have never heard it, and am inclined to believe " that few attacks either of ridioulo op inveetiva make muoh noise, but by the help of " those they provoke." Piozzh Letfc.i'x, ii. 289. P. 180, Johnson thus writes to Mrs. Tin-ale of " the tyranny of B——-i," *' Porn* " B------i I do not quarrel with him ; to nogloct him u little will be miMoitmt, Ho " moans only to bo frank and manly, and independent, and purhapn, m ycm wiy, «, " little wise. To be frank ho thinks is to bo tiyniiinl, and to bis imtapumtunt in tu "lie rude. Forgive him, doarost lady, tho fathor Imwuino nf lii« ntiwlHihavIonrn I tun " afraid he learned part of mo." 36th July, 177$, Pinsl Lcttc.n, i, 277. P. l!)8. Line thrt'o, "A very interoHting " Hhnuhl bo " Yot a vary interesting," P. 201. The titlo to this chapter, and tho head-lino from p. SJUU to p, iiljfi, wlimtld have boon " DINNHMS AND TAMC," P. 2()S, The quotation from Forbes*a llcttttie should bo HI. 50 j tuid I may nth! ttmt Mrs, Piozzi's omphatic maimseript cwnmont, in tho volumu nuw tijjou Insfwre me, on Beattie's suggestion that perhaps Goldsmith " afftwtwl" wUmcfw, iM—"not h« " indeed i" P. 211. lloohostor exproBsod oxtwtly tlio rovorflo of thU In Bpeaking of ShadwelJ, when he said that if ho had burnt all he wrote, and printed tdl ha Npokft, lw have had more wit and humour than any othei* poet; and meoiuring QoIdnmiUi Shndwell, we surely may rest perfectly Bfttlsifled with tho reliittw wwrnjiliriiiMiiuta defloienoies of each, I'. 217. At the close of the last note, I would add that it HI»IH« k» lmvi» \m