OLIVER GOLDSMITH'S LIFE AND TIMES, IHWKI(: 1757. and game., could also on occasion bo forgottt-n hi what a Jiiuii). happy nature fonnd bettor wortli remembering, may ho! gathered from the same authority. When tin* despised > usher wan a celebrated man, young Biahop, walking in! London with hte newly-married wife, met his old teacher. Goldsmith recognised him instantly, im a hut he had been! fond of at Peekham, and embraced him with tit-light. TliHi joy inoreased whim Mr. Bishop made known bin wife; but the introduction had not miHotth'd the ehild'K image- in the kind man'* heart, It was wtill tht" hoy before him; Ktilli Master Bishop; the lad he* iwctl to cram with fruit and: sweetmeats, to the judieiouH horror of the Mihuirs, \ " Come, my boy," lies said, UH his eye fell upon a IwHkut-'' woman standing at the corner of the Mtreet, ** come, Ham, • " 1 am delighted to see you, I must treat you to HUIUO-; " thing. What shall it be ? Will you have some* itppltm ? "Sam," added Goldsmith, suddenly, " have yon Koen my: "picture by Sir Joshua BeynoldH? Haw you KUUU it, "Sam? Have you got an engraving?" Not to appeari negligent of the riHing fanus of his old preceptor, nayn the '• teller of the story, " my father roplitul that lit* hud not '* yet proc.wred it; he wan junt I'nrniHhing bin honnt!, but " had iixed upon tht* Hpot the print wan to occupy as i "' soon as he was ready to remms it" ** Hmn," r<»turned ; Goldsmith with somo emotion, ** if your jiiattirc hud been " published, 1 should not havo wnited an hour without i " having it." ; But let me not anticipate theses better ditys. Ho is still the rookham usher, and humble Hitter tit f >octur Milner's ; board, whore it chanced thtit GriiBthi the bcjokHellen who had started the MantUly Mwiciv eight yc«ir» beforo, diuod i one day. Doctor Milner was one of his contributtirn; tlutre , den courage, open Mi mouth,