HOOK THE SECOND. CHAPTER I B1YIEWING FOE ME, AND UBS, GRIFFITHS, 170. THE mpfuiH of existence, long Bought, saomod thus to bo t7fi7, found, when, in hin twenty-ninth your, Oliver UoldHmith wit X,i,W clown to the precarious tank-work of Author by Profes-wion, lit* luul exerted no control over tho eiiv.uniHtaneeH in which he took up tho pun,: nor luul tiny friendly external aid, in, an hnpulnn of kindness, offered it to bin hand. To ho swftthlhul, rocked, niui dandhul into authorship in the lot of more fortunate men: it wa§ witli GohlBmith tho Htern and last resource of IHB struggle with adversity. As in tho country-ham ho would have played Scrub or Ilicliard; ns h« pwBcrihud for tho poorer titan himsolf at Bankwidts until than their muH'HMttwM drove him to herd with the in Axe LHIH>; JIH in HaliHhury C'tmrt ho corrected the pt'eHK among Mr. Uiehardm>n'H workmen, on Tower Hill doled out phywif. over Mr. .laeiih'H eottnter, and at Puckham diHpenHed the tuore, itimHeiiting done to young gentlemen of I'Hit-tor M liner's aeadtany : he hud here cntorcd into Mr. thTiliths'w Hrrviee, und put on the livery of the Monthly Jit'VU'lV* o have