cirAf, I,] UBVIBWINO FOE MU* AND MHB, UIUFFITHH. He WEI not ft strong man, RH I have Baid ; but neither was r?s? Iiis weakness such that ho shrank Irani the responsibilities Jit. it brought, When suilk'ing came, in whatever form, ho mot it with a quiet, manful endurance : no gnashing of the toeth, "moan tin whiuh ho 'tumvityod1 hi« purwm mid fVaiwigonoy to the umm uf tho «t>Sd "tirillitliH (or lu« a*wig!M'/) -—do not appear to have been muuh moru dignified than " Smart's in the quality «'f the w/«W/w/w, though oiiiusidwably H« In the duration 11 uf tltw ftrM ; (tnhhtmithV l«wo bulng only forums year, ami nut fur uinuty»iilmt, "n»tliat ha hiul (an the rwuloi' perceive*) a uloar niuety>otght yeam tit II!M own "diMpomU. Wo Mwjiwt that iMJttr Ullvor, in hw guilwloiw htsirt, luivw1 ainj|mt»lrit«tl "hiinwif mi Imving inrwle n. mum fwliwituiw l««'gtiiiu Iiuluwl, it ww* iwt no twul, "If everything be eannkiwoii; OoIttmnltli'M aitutttlou at that time was Iml', aiul "for that very muiun the IUAKO (uUterwiiKS inoiwtnnw) wan -not luul, He wiw kilmvi *' lodging, Iwtwt, And * a iinwll witfwy,' twf iimtUl, we «B»ii«ab; and In return for "all bliws blowdngw, lie had nothing to do, but 'to alt rtill at a table, to work hard ufh»m an early hour !n the morning until 2 v, »,, (at which elegant hour we jiw- "uurae that tho jm»nthe«k of dinner oooutred,) but alio— whioh, not Iwln^ an "ortiale In the lotum, might have l>»m wet nulde, tw a inutiitit hufore tlus Klnn's "Ueiu'h-'-Ui ondni'o withnut mutiny thti tiurrtmtluu tuul tins ntviwd »f ail hb MSH. "by Mf*. Uriflith*, wifa t«» Dr. U, tiie h»»mw. Thi« allliution of Mr*. /V. U, "«iU'iiiM«mithVi jilnw, »li»iulii onrUtitdy luivts trtwl hnw far Hindhail'* inuUuni " of abfttiiig tho nuiwutiHi hiul l»wt its t'flhwy by tiiun, vix., tin* ts'in[*tins mir H«i|>jiit»5isuir t<» got dnutk ««nw *.ir twlwt it day, and thwt Miiddfitly thrtiwimg "Mrs, Dr, U, iifT l»«tr {wwh, Fnnw that, 'liwl tnnin^nw,' whwh nli» had "lutdfteUniMiy umir]Mdd, what ham» wiuht thwo 1«» in tluw diwtiiHiijting thw * itlsl 11 mnmm »f tho wa I * And KM ;t» nn Mtitiaaiutial thump ur w un tho h««nl, wldt-h "Mw, Or, 0, might have oaught in tumbling, that wan Aw lt,«»k-o«t} Mid might " bts«id« Uava Improved her *lyl». V»v rmlly nuw, if the tmwdld reatbr will "believe w» ws know n «td «w"tftJ«ly» but very true, whore a yunnjt m»«, wt " author by tmde, who wrote j>»tly well, b*ppen,log b» tumbJ* out of a f!t*«t«jlwir 11 In liuiidim, wrw atorwtt.ftl« ulMerved to gruw very perptexm! tuid alniwsi, uuintflii-- "giblo In hiartylftjUHtllwrtneyeaw later, having the gmtd fortttnoUike WnlbuMtt«iu "at Vienna) to tumble out «f «< tw*»»j»wr uf tsWw window, he »4Sj|li% fmctitrwd hi* 11 wkull, but on th« uthitr hand, rowiverml tins brilliancy <•{" bin Junn fm««(,nr»!4 "»tyhs HKH«» jrt}nj«l« thwn atttnf mtr ttwjimlntamw wh«> would nml t-» tumbt^ "uiil nf tho tttUti nti«ry bi'i'tirt' th»(y t-mtld mirinimly impruvit thi-ir nlylt». "(-WUhdy th»w» minditiniiM the hard work, llu< M\\$ nimimxt by th»* 10g {« " thf wriUitx-tftb|r«, nnd, almvt* nil, the having *II«O*H J»-H ifhwinwd &» that «f "Mrn, l>r, Ui'il'titlw, tl» »nitm t*< ininnMinnivMf, 1?.*« idmt, Uutt " wan tin* pui'Knkrt'y "f aiititurn, And ww fr«'»«ly t'unft'ni thai <*xm*pUng "nini'iy-nititt y«-»tn»* hwn*. «ir tl»* r»««ntrrtH ln!tw*«n thts l)«»vil and Dr. u nr,vitf heard »tf a hardi*!' bai'Kitiu driven with any Htnrary tn»t», Stnurfc, Fsaistiw, "tutd iiuldminith, wrht i-bwly itvpr-nwmluHl, Yt4, after ttll, wwn fchl* trmttnnnt In "any ijujHirtent |M«»I«I ((•xofptiim iw regnnls l>r. ftttmtUM) worn* tlian that ^ivt'ii 11 tu thf wh»l.....41««f Um hnson "making a line" . 434