CMAP. 1. 1 UBVIBWWCI KOK Mil, AN!) MKS, OUIFFITHS, of personal awl political opposition to the subject of it, it is manly and kind, Tim weak places were pointed out with gentlowmH, whiles Goldsmith strongly Huixiul uu what ho felt lu Iw the strength of Hmnllutt. " Tho stylo of this 11 Historian," h«i miHU "is iu general elcmr, nervous, and " flowing; nuil wo think it hnpoHtiiblo fur a Header of liiHt« " not to he pleased with the perspicuity mul elegance of " his manner,"* For the critic'u handling in lighter mattora, I will mention what ha said of a book by Jonas Him way, This was tht tlonai of whom Doctor Johnson affirmed that he acquired some reputation by travelling abroad, but lost it all by travelling at homo; not a witticism, but a sober truth, Hii hook about Persia waH oKaolbnt, and liia book about PortB- mouth imlHftmwt. lint though an tH-innitric, ho wnn a very benevolent and «»arnc«t man 5 and though he mad«» tho com- mon mistake! of thinking Inmmdf tmns moiv winti than ho was good, he lutd too much reason to complain, which h« was always doing, of a gt'nornl want of t«arn<*Htnt'HH and seriousness in hia nge, His larger sr*hc«mt?8 of bonovokmco hate connected hit name with the Marine Bodety nnd the Magdalen, both of which be originated, ai well i« with the Foundling, which ha was aotive In improving; nntl to hw courage* and porsoverance in smaller fields of usfftUncsn this contention with oxtravngnni. vails to Hi*rvaut« I I wfc fcn llnjptrth," wd«l Mr, <*M|P, "th»» r« tokmg {navn of thf j«tijt»r nt the " tlttnr I iiffurttii IIIM Mcrvuni n* nmnll gnituity, !mt th*» mttn very f«l 11 fiifii*''ti utruok IMP, M twtM»|f of the kStti! had *' lsaji{«!nwl tn iuu tK.>fnn>.H My «4»1 fritnul AHtut I tatiitingimtm, after quwtinf thin in hb f,iiv* *»/ tkf /'«»nfrw, S, 1 <*Ji, m!4* : '* N«»r i» it Hkely tlwl iitioii ft tltluf Sir Jarfuw Itiiiuhiii afts iii» mwrmat 416 ft»aw»ll| of y is a very profound geometriolan , , . Ytt tit in rnnn* wlw tea «««.