OLIVER GOLDSMITH'S LIFE AND TIMES, rBooKn. 1757, his articles, and, as it suited their ignorance or convenience, JRt. 2fl. wholly altered them ; and, finally, that no part of the con- tract had been broken by himself, he having always worked Incessantly every day from nine o'clock till two,* and on apeeial days of the week from an carlior hour until Into at night. Proof of tho most curious part of this counter- Ktateinont, as to interpolation of tho articles, was in. the possession of his firnt biographers ; and an it now appears, from a published letter of Doctor Campbell to Bishop Percy, was at tho last moment, in fear of aimso from reviewers, , agttiiist Mix I>r. tlrStlltlw, Thitt wuiimn wmiht Ititvo bruktm tho liack 4luf a mmt'l, whwli jimrf I* «»j»j««l t«iwgl«or than Urn lnwt «f on iwhw, Tlusre *" wt' nlniutil lumi Hiwlo a ft'fiM'iMtw nUmi ; »tuJ almultl hnvw Htrurk fur muoli "highnr w»g«t, Imfiira »« wniW haw britught o»r mitul t«> think »f R t*niiitnlatiun. *'li in mntftrkfthb, Ji«w«vtir, Uiitb thin jf«ar of lni«»li!» »»rvit»itlw wiw not only I4l»iit(«r, »« if liy »e«skk?iit| tlw tsfwwh i»f 'i"tu»l cU'Vulniimoitt, **«,!» thw cwfiwinn uf it, N»jft if »1I wore ktmwn, |»tH'l«ti« it tuny h»tv« Imeu 41 to Mm, Dr, tlriflll-li* in |«nrtiouliur, U»«t we t»w« that re volution in law «ulf. **«*t»ry tiny, lie must Imvo j»h»»»f!««t »ml ki»*k«l vinlt'utly fe* tuvnk lm«« from hm **lmrtH'*« ; Init, itut hnj«iw*it»ty, Ihf vt'ty effort uf ruHtoiuluig with the luig, \vJnsit 'Mirmi^lit int»i t'«»l!if»ii»ii with J»i« tmt»iral»l«*«ir«»t«» «th»th«' tli"hn|f,. itmt this htovitalilo 'l«H»tt«triiH» : Iwviiiw thai mt«i itt » tnmtth tho hag ** mi|(lit I* right. ; <•<"» if w»"ti w»l »W|»j*"»ini h»r rt/s**«ifp Jit tliw wfniiKt whifli, 11 f:«?rliit|»a i* t*w ttiMeli to »**tt«»' uvwi «f Ml*, l*r. tl, fin/ w»»n!4 hut muttifily tlifl 11 of tiuMnmiUt'ii own juiigmBnt, At»«t It* tt»» presntiru • uf tf»«j«r» (|ifflmiUi«« wmiltl ** 5ie tiw wry *»!«» wf till* rnujth iwhi»«ll«t, ll*«j»i!"«tttiwit»g muitmtlie very "»i»e»W« In it* «le»»«»»to.ry tcwMin* j f«it It muni $» ft mt>it4) j«rtHwt« f-n* mliitig "nut Ui« »gilJtli»« that slwnlwr in a ttns,ti*» feg», HUJt, tlmngii thw« ImrrbhijiR *Hurw«t nut »» iww?fi»l«.IS,f U» t|ol4itniifi"« lu!*Ho« Mr. Furnkir'n of UuiifauiiUi** |»riwl by witli A*t«li#»nV iwriwtl tin *Hhe «tio »l«lt», tMiil MMI* «»wn on it» oilier," AWfA lirituk I$*«*»C»P, Is, 201, ii Cirillilf w," wril* ('ftwfiJwIl to r»r««y» in U»» «onr«e of hi« nil, the having *II«O*H J»-H ifhwinwd &» that «f