CHAP. IlLj ATf TO 1SGAPI FBOM LITIRATUfiE, wfor every acknowledgment for past favours might be eonsidewd as K aaa indirect request for future ones, and where it might be thought u I gave my heart from a motive of gratitude alone, when I was a conscious of having bestowed it on much more disinterested principles. "It is true, this conduct might have been simple enough, but yourself " must confess it was in character. Those who know me at all know "that I have always been actuated by different principles from the " rest of mankind, and while none regarded the interest of las friend " more, no man on earth regarded his own less. I have often affected "bluntness to avoid the imputation of flattery, have frequently seemed " to overlook those merits too obvious to escape notice, and pretended " disregard to those instances of good nature and good sense, which I K could not feil tacitly to applaud ; and all this lest I should be ranked " amongst the grinning tribe, who say £ very true ' to all that is said, ** who fill a vacant chair at a tea-table, whose narrow souls never moved " in a wider circle than the circumference of a guinea, and who had " rather be reckoning the money in your pocket than the virtue of " your breast. All this, I say, I have done, and a thousand other very " silly though very disinterested things in my time, and for all which " no soiil cares a farthing about me. God's curse, madam ! is it to be " wondered, that he should once in his life forget you, who has been all " his life forgetting himself 1 "However it is probable you may one of those days see me turned "into a perfect hunks, and as dark and intricate as a mouse-hole. " I have already given my landlady orders for an entire reform in " the state of my finances. I declaim against hot suppers, drink less "sugar in my tea, and check my grate with brickbats. Instead "of hanging my room with pictures,, I intend to adorn it with, "maxima of frugality^ Those will make pretty furniture enough, " and won't be a bit too expensive; for I shall draw them all out " with my own hands, and my landlady's daughter shall frame "them with the parings of my black waisteoafe. Each maxim is " to be inscribed on a sheet of clean paper, an>d wrote with my best " pen ; of which the following will serve' as . a specimen. Look " sharp : Mind the main chance; Money is money now ; If yout> have at, "thousand pounds you can put your hands by your sides, and say you "are worth a thousand pounds every day of the year; Take a farthing "from a hundred, and it will ~be a hwidred no lo'hxjqir. Thus, which way "soever I turn my eyes, they are sure to meet- İfte of those-; friendly " momfeors; and as we are told of an actor who hung his room round M with looking-glass to correct the defects of his person, my apartment tioltito