CHAP. vii.j APPEAL FOR AUTHORS BY PROFESSION. than a calmness of endurance; a resolute quiet power' of 1759. persevering exertion, in which, with whatever infirroities of jet. 31. disposition or temper, he will front and foil adversity. Such, at the worst, is the resource of a healthy genius. It works evil into good, and has within it a principle of sustain- ment and of self-consolation. The more particularly does it become the world to take note of this, as a party far more deeply concerned than hookseller or than author. That cry of Goldsmith is little for himself. Who wins his passage to the goal, may care little at the close for a larger suffering or a less: the cry is raised for others, meanwhile perishing by the way. When Irene failed, and Johnson was asked how he felt, he answered "like the Monument; "* but when he had arrived at comfort and independence, and carelessly taking up one day his own fine satire, opened it at the lines which paint the scholar's fate, and the obstructions, almost insur- mountable, in his way to fortune and fame, he burst into a passion of tears.t Not for what he had himself endured, whose labour was at last victoriously closed ; but for all the disastrous chances that still awaited others. It is the world's concern. There is a subtle spirit of compensation at work, when men regard it least, which to the spiritual sense accom- modates the vilest need, and lightens the weariest burden. Milton talked of the lasting fame and perpetuity of praise, which God and good men have consented should be the reward of those whose published labours have advanced the * BoswelTs Life, i. 230. f Mrs. Hozzi's Anecdotes, 50. "The family and Mr. Scott only were present, ' who in a jocose way clapped him on the back, and said, ' What's all this, my 1 ' dear sir ? "Why you, and I, and Hercules, you know, were all troubled with ' ' melancholy.'...Tie was a very large man, and made out the triumvirate with ' Johnson and Hercules comically enough. The Doctor was so delighted at his 'odd sally, that he suddenly embraced him, and the subject was immediately ' changed." se words had been written but a very few years, when