OLIVBE GOLDSMITH S LIFE AND TIMES. [BOOK in. !"63. introductions to the various sections, full of picturesque Mi. 35. animation. He was to have received for this labour " eleven " guineas in full," but it was increased to nearly thirty. He had also some share in the Martial Review or General History of the late War, the profits of which. Newbery had set apart for his luckless son-in-law, Kit Smart, In a memorandum furnished by himself to the publisher, he claims three guineas for Preface to Universal History (a rival to the existing publication of that name, set on foot by Newbery and edited by Guthrie); two guineas for Preface to Rhetoric, and one for Preface to Chronicle, neither, of these last now traceable; three guineas for Critical and Monthly, presumed to be contributions to Newbery's magazines; and twenty-one pounds on account of a History of England. A subsequent receipt acknowledges another twenty-one pounds " which with " what I received before, is in roll for the copy of the History " of England in a series of Letters, two volumes in ISmo." * This latter book, which was not published till the following year, claims a word of description. Such of the labours of 1763 as had yet seen the light, were not of a land to attract much notice. " Whenever I write anything," said Goldsmith, " I think the public make a point to know nothing about " it." t So, remembering what Pope had said of the lucky lines that had a lord to own them, the present book was issued, doubtless with Newbery's glad concurrence, as a History of England in a series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son. It had a great success in that character; passed * Fewbery MSS. Prior, i. 468, 4734, 477, 479, and 498. The subjoined is from a copy in Goldsmith's own h'andwriting: " Brookes' History, III Us ; Pre- " face to Universal History, 3Z 3s; Preface to Rhetoric, 2Z 2s; Preface to Chronicle, " 11 Is; History of England, 21Z; The Life of Christ, 10Z 10s; The Life [Lives] " of the Fathers, 10Z 10s; Critical and Monthly, 31 3s.—Total, 63Z. Eeceived, " October 11, 1763, the contents, of Mr. Newbery. OLIVER G-OLDSMITH." f Boswell, vii. 84. Philosophy; Sale's Vegetable Statics, 2 vols 8vo; Ferguson's Astronomy,