CHAP, xn.] NEWS FOR THE CLUB. gaily, " we will not go to the Mitre to-night, since we cannot " have the hig man with us." Whereupon the hig man, laughing at the jovial Irish phrase, called for a bottle of port; of which, adds Boswell, " Goldsmith and I partook, " while our friend, now a water drinker, sat by us." * One does not discover, in such anecdotes as these, what honest though somewhat dry Joe Warton calls Goldsmith's solemn coxcombry. But beside Boswell's effulgence in that kind, any lesser light could hardly hope to shine. Even to the great commoner himself, at whose unapproachable seclusion all London had so lately been amazed, and who at length, with little abatement of the haughty mystery, had reappeared in the House of Commons, was he now resolved, before leaving London, to force his way. Corsican Paoli was the card to play for this mighty Pam; and already he had sent mysterious intimation to Pitt of certain views of the struggling patriot, of the illustrious Paoli, which he desired to communicate to " the prime minister of the brave, the " secretary of freedom and of spirit." "Wonder reigned at the club when they found the interview granted, and inextinguishable laughter when they heard of the interview itself. Profiting by Eousseau's Armenian example, Boswell went in Corsican robes. " He carne in the Corsican dress," says Lord Buchan, who was present; " and Mr. Pitt smiled; " but received him very graciously, in his pompous manner." f It was an advantage the young Scot followed up; very soon inflicting on Pitt a brief history of himself. He described his general love of great people, and how that Mr. Pitt's * ii. 318. f "In consequence of this letter," wrote Lord Buchan on the back of one of Boswell's epistles, "I desired him to call at Mr. Pitt's, and took care to be with '' him when he was introduced. Mr. Pitt was then in the Duke of Grafton's house " in Great-bond-street. .. Boswell had genius, but wanted ballast to counteract his, '«whim. He preferred being a showman to keeping a shop of his own." physician, retired to a small town, does to his practice in a great