As I was leaving he said—and the remark showed his thoughtfulness—' I don't want you to be out of pocket in this matter. I will give you the money when you write for it,' which he did promptly.

During the election Parnell addressed meetings at Plymouth and at other places in Great Britain. ' While in the West of England,' says Sir Eobert Edgcumbe, ' he stopped with me at Totnes. He said he had, as a boy, lived at Torquay, and that he should much like to revisit it. He drove over to Torquay between lunch. and dinner, and when he returned he told me, with some regret, that he had been unable to identify the house in which he had lived. Torquay, too, did not seem to come up to his boyish recollections. For myself, I can honestly say that of all the men I have ever met, Mr. Cecil Rhodes alone equals Mr. Parnell in possessing that peculiarly indefinable quality, the power to lead men—that rare power which induces people to lay aside their own judgment altogether and to place implicit reliance, absolute and unquestioning, in the guidance of another.'

The elections were over before the end of July.



Dissentient Liberals ... 78

Unionist total .... 394


Irish Nationalists . . .85

Home Eule total .... 270 Unionist majority, 118