xvni BIBLIOGRAPHY great "Thangliana." A friend asked Mm what he thought of So-and-So, the reply being : "I don't know what sort of man he is, all I know is, that he cannot be a sahib to live as he does." CAREY, BERTRAM S. and BL JSf. TUCK. " The Chin hills: A History of the People, their Customs and Manners, and our Dealings with them, and a Gazetteer of their Country." Rangoon, 1896. A model of what such a book should be. The illustrations are particularly good. The Lushais and Thados are only touched. Much of the matter referring to the Haka and Klang-Klang Chins is applicable to the Lakhers. LORRAIN, HERBERT J., and FRED W. SAVIDGE. " Grammar and Dictionary of the Lushai Language." Shillong, 1898. A very complete and accurate work. Unfortunately the standard system of transliteration has not been entirely adhered to. SOFPITT, C. A. "A short account of the "Kuki-Lushai tribes on the North-East Frontier Districts : Cachar, Sylhet, Naga Hills,