74 THE LUSHEI CLANS CHAP. A cock and hen are killed. Three bamboos are brought; of these " theibial" are made, which are pieces of bamboo about four inches long stuck into the ground A small basket called "maicham" is also made, and some small square mats called "lengleh" made of a thin strip of bamboo bent round and round itself and kept in position by lacings of black and red threads. These are hung from small pieces of bamboo stuck into the theibial. The fowls' throats are cut and the blood allowed to flow on the maicham and theibial. Then three small stones are brought from the nearest stream and a shallow hole is dug at the place of sacrifice and lined with a wild plantain leaf. In this some water is poured and the stones and the sherh are placed in the water* The fowls' flesh may be cooked and eaten either on the spot or in the house. JBawl-pui.—This is a very important sacrifice, which is seldom performed and only after all others have been tried. Two small clay figures are made, one to represent a man and the other a woman. These are called " ram-chawm." The female figure has a petticoat of "hnahtial" (a plant which has tough leaves used for wrapping up food to be taken on a journey), and is made to bite the pig's liver. The male figure is provided with a pipe and a necklace of the liver of the pig which is sacrificed. A small bamboo platform is made, and on it is put a clay model of a gong and other household utensils, and sometimes of mithan. The pig's throat is cut and the blood allowed to flow over the platform, &c. The pig's flesh is cooked on the spot. To take it into the house is " thianglo." Many persons come and eat it with the puithiam. If the patient does not die during the performance of the sacrifice or during the subsequent feast he will undoubtedly recover. 4. Kangpuizam.—This is a very important and efficacious sacrifice, and can only be performed by a certain wise man of Ices In the Khawtlang or Vuite clans. It costs Us. 40/- besides the ihfkness. cos^ °^ ^e an™als killed and zu drunk. In front of the house a sort of arbour is made of grass and boughs supported on four sticks. All round this are hung little balls made of split cane rolled up tight. This split cane is said to be much liked by