vi LANGUAGE 115 The other cases are rendered by suffixes. Ka in a daraw. Ka in a tang in laraw. Aizawl My house in put. My house from bring. Aijal a kalraw to go. Adjectives follow the words they qualify, but are not inflected in any way. Mipa tha = a good man. Htnaichhia tha = a good woman. Nula-te tha = good girls. When a noun is used as an adjective it precedes the noun it qualifies, as, "Lung in/' stone house. Adjectives are compared thus Suaka Nela ai - in a chha k zawk. Suaka Nela than he stronger. Suaka is stronger than Nela. When demonstrative adjectives are compared, "ai-in" is combined with them, thus :— He sakor he saw ai sawn ashang zawk. This horse here that than there is taller. This horse is taller than that. " Saw saw ai-in " being replaced by " Saw-ai sawn." When no object of comparison is mentioned " ai-in" is omitted. Nangma lo azao zawk. Your jhum extensive more. Your j hum is more extensive. The superlative is formed thus :— Lalzong zinga Khuma a vin ber. Chiefs among Khuma he bad tempered most. Khuma is the most bad-tempered of all the chiefs. Khuma lalzong ai-in a vin ber. Khuma chiefs than he ill-tempered more. Khuma lalzong a a vin ber. Khurna chiefs of he ill-tempered most. Khuma a vin ber. Khuma he ill-tempered most, Khuma is the most ill-tempered. I 2