120 THE LUSHEI CLANS CHAP. origin. The pronominal prefixes are absent, the person and number being indicated by different forms. Shoi i la or i lang = If I say or said. Shoi la, or lang = If thou sayest or saidst. Shoi shela or shelang = If he say or said. Shoi i la or i lang = If we say or said. Shoi u la or lang = If you say or said. Shoi shela or shelang = If they say or said. The pluperfect tense is formed by inserting " ta." Shoi ta i la = If I had said. Shoi ta u lang = If you had said. By inserting " ma" the meaning " although " or " even if" is given. Shoi ma she lang = Even if he says. Shoi ta ma u la = Although you say. Imperative Mood. The imperative has several forms :— Singular: Shoi rawh, shoi ang che, shoi ta che, shoi te shoi che, all mean " say." The last four forms have a somewhat persuasive meaning. Plural: I shoi ang, i shoi ang u = Let us say. The second person plural is formed by adding "u" to the singular form. Infinitive Mood. The infinitive or verbal noun is the same as the root shoi = to say. Ka shoi lai in) -rTTr T T ,. , > When 1 was saying. 1 say time atj J ° A verbal noun can also be formed by the suffix t( na." Ka riak na in My staying house.