i86 THE NON-LUSHEI CLANS CHAP. our arrival in 1890, and, as in the case of the Vuite, we found many of them living in a state of semi-slavery in the Sailo villages, whence they have mostly rejoined their relatives, and there are now 296 households of these people in the south-west of the Manipur Hills and more in the adjoining parts of the Lushai Hills. Lieutenant Stewart, in his description of the " Old Kukis," states that ordinarily the dead are cremated, warriors only being buried. I have never heard of any clan in these hills which cremates its dead. The custom may well have died out owing to the natural wish of the relatives to do honour to the deceased by according him the honours of a warrior. Lieutenant Stewart describes a regular marriage ceremony conducted by the headman of the village, at the foot of a large stone erected in the middle of the village. As far as my enquiries go, the marriage ceremonies differ very little from those of the Lushais. The dress of the men is the same as among the Lushais, but the women wear a petticoat with a broad white line between two narrower blue ones, and dress their hair in a long plait wound round the head. Zawlbuks are not maintained, but in other respects their villages resemble those of the Lushais. The village organisation is more democratic, the chief being replaced by a headman. The honours of " Thangchhuah " and admission to Pial-ral are obtained by three times celebrating the Buh-ai festival. There is no restriction as to having windows. When a young man wishes to marry he sends messengers bearing a blue and a white cloth, a hoe, and a pot of liquor to the girls' parents. This is called " In hawn." If the articles are accepted the marriage takes place as soon as the necessary amount of zu can be prepared. The bride's parents kill a pig and the two families feast together. The girl is conveyed to her husband's house by the men who arranged the marriage, the party being pelted with dirt as among the Lushais. In case of adultery, it is the seducer, not the woman's relatives, who have to compensate the injured husband. This is the common rule among non-Lushei clans. A boy is named seven days and a girl five days after birth, a red cock being killed and zu drunk. The maternal uncle gives the name.