viii Note to Revised Edition lower classes, work which they were doing largely tinder command of authority higher up, and which it is believed accounts to a considerable extent for the governmental competence which English peoples have shown in modern times. The detail of this work for the thirteenth century is the result of the author's research, and he may per- haps claim as his also the place and importance which are assigned to this aspect of English constitutional his- tory. 4. Explanatory details, often in footnotes, have been added in many places. Not a few of these have been sug- gested by student questions, and have been collected through many years. Maitland's Constitutional History of England, which was published just too late to be used in the first writing, has been especially helpful here; also Professor Adams's more recent books and articles. These two scholars have remained to the author rich sources of fact and idea, though the latter's feudal contract thesis has not been so closely followed as in the first edition. Professor Adams's death a few weeks ago must here be mentioned as a very great personal loss and as removing America's chief student of English governmental his- tory. It has been possible to include in the bibliography the title of his new book, which is now in press. 5. The "Suggestions for Collateral Reading" have been omitted. It is believed that the frequent footnote references and a bibliography containing many explana- tory comments make this feature unnecessary. The bib- liography has been compiled on the same principle as before, with the interest of the instructor as well as the student in view, with a bias away from traditional author- ities, and with renewed obligation to Gross's Sources and Literature of English History. It is hoped that it has been brought reasonably well to date. The author is grateful, for valuable suggestions, to Professor J. P. Willard of the University of Colorado; and to colleagues in the University of Minnesota: Pro- fessor N. S. B. Gras, Professor A. C. Krey, Dr. Faith