rviii Bibliography Essays in Anglo-Saxon Law. Boston, 1876. "Courts of Law." By HENRY ADAMS. "Land Law." By H. C. LODGE. "Family Law." By E. YOUNG. "Legal Procedure." By J. L. LAUGHLIN. FORTESCXJE, SIR JOHN. Governance of England. Edited by CHARLES PLUMMER. Oxford, 1885. FREEMAN, E. A. History of the Norman Conquest. 6 vols. Oxford, 1867- 1879. 2n(l edition of vols. i.-iv., 1870-1876. 3rd edition of vols. i, ii., 1877. The most detailed work upon the subject. With a long introduction upon the Anglo-Saxon period, it covers to the end of Stephen's reign and concludes with a supplementary sketch to 1272. Freeman's generalisations must be accepted with great caution. Many of them have been corrected through the work of Round and other recent writers. FUSTEL DE COTJLANGES, N. D. The Origin of Property in Land. (Trans- lated by MARGARET ASHLEY.) London, 1891. 2nd edition, 1892. 3rd impression, 1904. The author contends that primitive ownership of land was individualistic and aristocratic. There is a valuable Introduction by W. J. Ashley. GARDINER, S. R. A School Atlas of English History. London, 1891. Reprinted, 1902. Though supplemented in some respects by more recent atlases and by maps published in various general historical works, this remains the most useful atlas of English history for students. GEE, H., and HARDY, W. J. Documents Illustrative of English Church History. London, 1896. The documents selected cover from the earliest times to the end of the lyth century and are translated and edited in a scholarly manner. GNEIST, R. Englische Verfassungsgeschichte. Berlin, 1882. Translated by P. A ASHWORTH: The History of the English Constitution. 2 vols., London, 1886. 2nd edition, 1889. A one-volume edition, 1891. The best of the constitutional histories of England by foreigners and one of the standard general works upon the subject. GRAS, N. S. B. The Early English Customs System. Cambridge, Mass., 1918. GRAY, H. L. English Field Systems. Cambridge, Mass., 1915. ------ "The Commutation of Villein Services in England before the Black Death." English Historical Review, xxix., 625-656. London, 1914. GREEN, J. R. History of the English People. 4 vols. London, 1877- 1880. Reprinted, 8 vols., 1895-1896, and 1905-1908. "An important general history of England, devoting much attention to the social condition of the people."—Gross.