Bibliography xxv POLLOCK, FREDERICK, and MAITLAND, P. W. The History of English Law before the Time of Edward I. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1895. 2&d edition, 1898. Has superseded all previous works on English law for the period which it covers, and, in its lavish comprehensiveness, goes far to supplement and correct the older constitutional histories. POOLE> R. L. (editor). Historical Atlas of Modern Europe, from the Decline of the Roman Empire. Oxford, 1902. The best historical atlas. It contains about one hundred maps with explan- atory text. Of these, seventeen relate to the British Isles. ------ The Exchequer in the Twelfth Century. Oxford, 1912. The best work on the subject. ------"The Publication of Great Charters by the English Kings." English Historical Renew, xxviii, 444-453. London, 1913. PUTNAM, B. H. The Enforcement of the Statutes of Labourers during the First Decade after the Black Death, 1349-1359. New York, 1908. See also her "The Justices of Labourers in the Fourteenth Century,'' English Historical Review, xxi.t 517-538. London, 1906. RAMSAY, J. H. The Foundations of England, B.C. 55-A.D, 1154. 2 vols. London, 1898.—The Angevin Empire, 1154-1216. London, 1903.— The Dawn of the Constitution, 1216-1307, London, 1908.—The Genesis of Lancaster, 1307-1399. 2 vols. Oxford, 1913.—Lancaster and York, 1399-1485. 2 vols. Oxford, 1892. "A very useful survey of the main facts of English history, if employed with caution. Devotes much attention to military and financial operations."—Gross. RIESS, L. "Der Ursprung des englischen Unterhauses." Historische Zeitschrift, xxiv. (neue Folge), 1-33. Munich, 1888. Riess believes that the early representatives to Parliament were summoned primarily to inform the king of the condition of the local administration. ------Geschichte des Wahlrechts sum englischen Parlament im Mittel- alter. Leipsic, 1885. A'brilliant monograph. For a review of this and the same author's Der Urs- $rung des englischen Unterhauses, see English Historical Review, v., 146-156. ROBERTSON, A. J. The Laws of the Kings of England from Edmund to Henry I. Cambridge, 1925. Texts, translations, and introductory notes. , ROUND, J. H. Feudal England: Historical Studies of the nth and I2th Centuries. London, 1895. Reprinted, 1909. Especially valuable for the essay on the introduction of knight service, upon which subject and the early effects of the Conquest in general Round is the lead- ing authority.