48 English and Continental Backgrounds vasions and settlements of the ninth century, most of Northumbria and half of Mercia becoming the Danelaw. Such unity as England attained in the Anglo-Saxon period did not come from a union of kingdoms, but from an expansion of West Saxon rule, under Alfred and his powerful descendants, over some southern and eastern shires that had once been kingdoms, and through con- quest in the tenth century of the lands that had been seized and settled by Danes and Norwegians. It was during the period of struggle among the early kingdoms that Christianity spread throughout England; and Christianity had much to add to the Teutonic con- ception of king, as well ideas derived from the Old Testa- ment as those of a strictly Christian origin. Kingship was strengthened, made more grand and inviolable; for the missionaries and other clergy understood, from the start, that the central power was their natural ally against the forces of disorder and division. The consecration of the king, which included the anointing and the coronation, became a religious ceremony, almost a sacrament, per- formed by the clergy. Although the crown existed in heathen times, yet there was nothing that could properly be called coronation; the custom of lifting the accepted king upon the shields of the assembled warriors differed widely from the solemn and dignified procedure after the church had invested kingship with its sanction and glamour. Probably the Anglo-Saxon king owed less to this sanction and to any semi-religious or priestly char- acter which he might derive from the consecration than was the case in many countries, France for instance. He kept much of his old character of the accepted lord or war-chief of his people. But the gift of Christianity was substantial and the content of the word king was broaden- ing. With the Christian religion, there came into England some Roman ideas of government, probably in not very distinct form or in very large numbers. But in Ethelbert of Kent's written laws we see beginning to work the idea