Anglo-Saxon Institutions. 449-1066 65 some antiquity and barbarity of custom and ceremony— these were the leading characteristics of the pre-Conqtiest church. 5. Conditions on the Eve of the Conquest.—In taking leave of the Anglo-Saxon period, we are concerned espe- cially to note those aspects of government which are likely to remain of importance after a conquest which brought in, not a large new population, but a new king and the aristocracy of a conquering army in which were many nobles or those who could appropriately become nobles. The new ideas which such a conquest was bound to bring with it would relate to the central power and to large-scale landholding. What would remain important would be the local government (full nine-tenths of all the governing there had been in the Anglo-Saxon period) and small-scale landholding. And it has been sufficiently insisted upon that government and landholding had a close connection in the middle ages. Judged comparatively Anglo-Saxon England had been peaceful. It was something over five centuries from the time when the Angles and Saxons themselves had com- pleted their conquest and settled down to a fairly quiet life to the Battle of Hastings. During that time there had been the one great destructive episode or series of episodes—the Danish invasions and conquest. But tak- ing those into full account there had been long periods and large areas of country that had enjoyed peace. There had been no important or long-continued peril on either the Scotch or Welsh border. The Danish peril had been the one great peril for deliverance from which the Anglo- Saxons prayed. It is beyond question that insularity with its comparative security had played its part in bring- ing the Anglo-Saxons to the eleventh century, through a long period of settled life in which were the feudalising tendencies incident to a growing population and demands on government, with a large part of the people still neither distinctly noble nor servile. It is the ever-present fear and burden of war that splits a people into a fighting