Law Courts 151 courts and the punishments were still more severe. It was through these Assizes and the formation of the com- mon law in the period following, that the idea of felonies, the specially serious crimes, was taking shape. The list came to be homicide, arson, burglary, robbery, rape* and larceny. Later there were other crimes made felony by statute, and the death penalty, except in the case of petty larceny, became the rule.1 It should be noted here that the men who presented suspects were not really accusers; they did not commit themselves to a belief in any one's guilt. Nor were they witnesses; they gave no testimony about crime, They simply constituted a searching means of getting at popular report and belief; this they were under oath not to conceal, and if such re- port reached justice or sheriff through another channel they were liable to fine for non-fulfilment of their duty. The representatives from the vills were probably largely from the villein class; they would know the suspects of their own class and be posted on all local rumour. They reported to the twelve men of the hundred, most of whom would be knights, and the latter made what use they chose of this information in the final statement to the justices. In this summary of Henry II.*s judicial changes, two institutions have been mentioned that need further ex- planation, the writ and the group of neighbours put under oath to answer questions at the royal command. A few words will suffice for the first. The general meaning of the word writ in the reign of Henry I. has been noticed; also the fact that it had begun to have a special, legal use in connection with the written orders sent out by the king to ensure and hasten justice in cases in which he was Interested.2 In Henry II.'s reign, the writ was a recog- nised institution and began to differentiate and become technical. In each of the possessory assizes, the first 1 On the distinction between'dergyable and non-clergyable felonies, see below, pp. 251, 252, note 4. 2 See above, pp. 142, 143.