36$ such as in by the cities.1 By the of the century, were borough of the most diverse with perhaps a tendency, was more of the in the older and boroughs, their government in the of a limited circle of or magistrates2; in many cf the newer and towns, the government still popu- lar, and in it ever remained so.3 But more closely related to the present subject is the question of far the had succeeded :n cutting themselves off from control, the general government of the various conditions, which out of the and negotia- tions between the overlords: for the dispositions and of the to of the borough very Some were republics, country townships that the at which thty compounded severally for their ferm, but were in all other * See above, Part II., §11, 3- a The corporation in England Its origin in borough history* but was not fully developed much before the aid of the mi idle " MastUnd has strikingly cautioned against perverting history by fedinjc corporations before they really existed: "If , . > we introduce the persona $