372 The Period of Constitution Making " suppose it a great principle, weighed and set forth by Edward I., would be out of harmony with the events and spirit of earlier and later history. The^Parfiainent of 1295 was simpt^ajEact, great in itself, and~5ia3e^Qm- Tijent byjthe^cnsls^wfaich occasioned it; itjwoifced by its ownjw^ight, and, jjttir^^ it was not forgotten and IQngshad been working toward thejise of the reŁ)rese^ Now events seemed to demand a completer application of that principle than before, and the emphasis thus placed upon it permanently affected both king and people, With no regularity in the application of this principle to national assemblies before 1295, it must not be under- stood that there was a close approach to it afterwards, but merely that a long step had been taken in that direc- tion. The frequency with which the king, throughout the middle ages and even occasionally afterwards, sum- moned the lords without at the same time summoning county or borough representatives is the chief indication that there was little notion of a new assembly with a fixed make-up. Such meetings may very properly be called great councils, as earlier. Their continuance shows why contemporaries could not talk of a "house" of lords. How could the lords be a " house " when it was quite as normal for them to meet by themselves as in conjunction with the commons?1 The MQdel^Pariiaip.ent contained the body of prelates and §reateŁ barons which was to b^ ^ LordsTTrEe lay members of this body numberedjgrty- a background here of later constitutional development that is not well known. For the writs of summons to the Model Parliament, see A. and S., document 46. Particular attention should be paid to the last paragraph of the summons of county and borough representatives, where tie purpose and spirit with which they were summoned is clearly shown. 1 /^1.e i^g,t .tiffie thg lords ....... met alone ...... was in the sevejiteenth^ century. The king occasionail^deair^tm^ig.!!^ ...... with other "e1eme^ Note the iSstance in |2^wTiS"''tne^citj^ns andjDuj^sse? " tp tarry" afterthe dismissal of the knights, — A, and S., document 8l. " "' ................ ' .......... " ijj^il —1 , T IIIIIUl, ......