377 a power ir* goverrjiknt in any way the kins. It may V a-J that tin TV vrcr: throe in tne Parian:*. nt of 12^5 'th1^,;^! th». ;nrr*v of tht- seen: neither to have ta^ a - the first cstatt\ clvrg the tiiirc course, include th^ prt'at.^ barons, as will a^ ±t rJ";? ,- r/ estate ti;ij^ht -f >ach i- -nd t-tjjV. ^y^ v fr>t tsta+v wo h" Tvvr- tht-rv v, ' !• r^* If t.*;-j iJT as rrv*: ,t :r;:/ .ra onI)T .! ^ arJ, and hiftt^riccl t»*- the barons ati'S, the century is admirably illustrated b> ^^^^^^.^Mj^v^^^^'^^ says of it: ""It was a full parliament in^oSr^sense of that term. The three,,, estates of the realnTln^TTISriSing* and*S!S csySST^'Tte great prtceilent, three w«2ks. On the 2ist of March a proclamation was rradc* tu/nc: the -----------.................„ justices, and others who members of the council were to remain