Parliament 407 In general, w§LJl§§^^ taxation. With the exception of the resistance to the DamslT invasions, the J£§£S_of^j^^ period were petty. Those invasions resulted first in a wider and more regular enforcement of the trinoda necessitous, and fi£2^ dukes had fought at no great distances, and feudalism served the military requirements of the duchy fairly well. After the Conquest, one of the n^stjnigortaiitjro^ of taxation and of resistance to taxation in England was tHe^attonpt to J2^a3^^ exten^j^oss...^ Channel. Hence in the early protests the nobility naturally took the lead. z But the income andjersonal s, also the offspring of war, were being more and more used. All classes were concerned in these; and as the ind£g£^^ during the tTw^^^c^snry, and g^S^^ec^^tim^in thexeignjof Edw^3TLTpowerful speciSln^^ in the"problem of ^t^^SnT^In the struggle <&JM£J, the great™noBR^still led, b