rho may presume to qualify love which is one with le God who is one with His creatures? Presently, Jouse's wrath being spent, he must irow away the stick, for he felt deeply shamed by his wn unexpected brutality, and the stick which was loody would have been a reminder. Very slowly the wo of them turned towards home, he with bent head nd she limping a little; while the moon which had isen up over the bay, touched a trickle of blood on lireio's gaunt side, so that Jouse must look in another irection. All the same, he determined to chain the itch closely, for his mind could not hold very many motions, and now it was once again full of his wife tfio lay feverish and ill with a sickly baby. On no ccount therefore must she be disturbed, and so he etermined to chain the bitch closely. 53