CHAPTER ix THE following summer Jouse said to Christopher clt is time that you started to learn your trade, for although you are only eight years old, early train- ing makes the hands grow strong and supple. I think that I will teach you in the evenings, my son, after you have finished your school preparation; and some- times you must work on half-holidays also, as I had to do when I was your age and must very often assist my father.' So Christophe began his youthful career by acquiring a knowledge of the ways of tools, even as Anfos had done before him. He did not resent this additional work, indeed it seemed to him right enough, for many another boy at the school must contribute his share towards helping his parents, and moreover he rather enjoyed the small tasks with which he would now find himself entrusted. At eight years old he was tall for his age and gave promise of very great physical strength, so that he could hammer away with a will, and could presently even use a light saw, driving it strongly through the planks with an accuracy which surprised his father. 'Segnour Dieu!5 Jouse would exclaim, delighted. 'But this is excellent, pichounet — one would think that you had long been accustomed to the job!5 Then Christophe would flush with pride and pleasure. in