CHAPTER xvii new suit arrived — the suit from Marseille JL that Christophe would wear for his First Com- munion. Loup's marmoset eyes all but dropped from his head, so astonished was he at its glossy black splendour. And what stockings! as soft as though woven of silk; and the spotless white shirt of the finest linen; and the funny stiff collar that the Eng- lish boys wore; and the wide flottant tie, and the wide ribbon badge to be worn on the sleeve — a white satin band with a big round rosette and ele- gant streamers. And the shoes! so thin, so incredibly shiny, with laces as silky and soft as the stockings; but above all, one truly magnificent thing — the suit in addition to jacket and breeches, had actually got a real grown-up waistcoat, a waistcoat with striped sateen at the back and a manly, neat little strap with a buckle! Oh, but le tout petit Ldup must regret his pert inattention to Monsieur le Cure, his suckings and scrunchings of sweets during class, his sudden and often embarrassing questions, all of which had led to Monsieur le Cure's stem words: 'You are not yet sufficiently serious, my child; I fear we shall have to delay your Communion.5 And now here was Christo- phe dressed up in the suit, and examining himself in their mother's best mirror, then complaining that the shoes felt too tight for his feet and begging to wear his ugly old sandals. And now here was Christophe thrusting a finger down the funny stiff collar that 207