should we not let our back room to some nice young couple next season? The old sacks can go down to the cellar," I said, "and if Jouse just casts a look at the rat-holes ... It seems a real pity to waste that room"/ cHe shall go and see you to-morrow/ promised Marie. Meanwhile Kahn enquired of Eusebe one morning: 'Have you not got a cupboard that you can furnish? You will have to indulge in a good spring-cleaning before you put anyone into your cupboard, but after all, that will do you no harm, and I think if you only take my advice and prepare in time, you will make some money. We are certain to have a great number of artists again next summer, and whatever you require the Galeries Kahn can supply at small cost — I am anxious to help you, that goes without saying.' Eusebe5 s black eye began to glow hotly: 'What is this? A devil of an artist in my convent? My slumbers disturbed by some young vermenoune who comes crawling in drunk every night from the cafe? His absurd contraptions all over my shop; paints squeezed on my floors, my walls and my ceilings? And your vile, cheap rubbish polluting my home? By the vomit of that bilious dragon la Tarasque, you have made a very insolent mistake! You are speaking to one who is called Eusebe, and he greatly despises you, Anatole Kahn, for what you are doing to line your own pockets. You are canaille, and you have the brain of a bug; that is why you are hoping to make of this town a place that is only fit for canaille. If I had my way I would drown you at once, I would stuff you head downwards into my cesspool.* This was awkward indeed, for Kahn had arrived intending to ask a particular favour. He wanted to rent a small bit of ground in order to put up a monster board advertising the charms of the Galeries Kahn, and as ill luck would have it, the ground was Eusebe's $71