MESD AMES!!! MESSIEURS!!! VISITEZ L'ANCIENNE VILLE DE SAINT LOUP-SUR-MER. ARRETEZ VOUS SURTOUT AUX GALERIES KAHN. VENEZ VOIR NOS AMEUBLEMENTS DU DERNIER CHIC, MOBILIERS DE STYLE A PRIX MODERES. OBJETS D'ART, GARNITURES, TAPISSERIES, TENTURES. JEUNES MARIES!!! OFFREZ-VOUS UNE JOLIE DESCENTE-DE-LIT SIMILI-PERSE. OCCASIONS FORMIDABLES!!! The good folk of Saint Loup stood and gaped with amazement. What a man! What a brain! Why, to see such a board was to think they were living at Monte Carlo! Well, perhaps they would be having a Casino quite soon; why not? With Kahn there was really no telling. The women exclaimed; the men laughed and winked, tickled by that appeal to the newly wedded, and everyone felt very proud of their town. Only look at the splendid advertisement—it began on the ground and reached up to heaven! Even the Benedifs oldest friends were too much excited to notice their absence, while as for Eusebe's ... oh, well, he had no friends and, if one might believe him, did not want any. But one evening Eusebe walked forth alone to visit that detestable board by moonlight; all alone by the light of a scandalized moon he walked, intent on relieving his feelings. And just how he relieved them need not be told — it can safely be left to the imagination.