calculations on his blotting-paper with a violet lead pencil. Never had he felt more excited in his life, and yet never more wretched, because undecided. Ought he to let this new land go for less than the last lot? It actually adjoined Beauvais* boundary, there- fore why should he have to sell it for less, when the world might contain other crazy artists? But those swift calculations were going to his head, for at times strong drink is less raging than riches; only think of the proportions his balance would reach could he but bring himself to accept his friend's offer! Think of seeing the total in neat black and white whenever he cared to open his bank-book! And supposing he refused and then could not sell after all — supposing no one else wished to buy? What a strain it was this amassing of wealth: it was really enough to drive one demented. Poor Hermitte alternately ruffled his hair, bit his nails, and sucked at his violet lead pencil; avaricious yet doubtful he mentally writhed on the horns of this distressing dilemma. In the end they came to a compromise, Kahn agreeing to pay him five hundred francs more than the price which he had originally offered; whereupon Hermitte puffed out his cheeks and looked sly, considering himself a jvery shrewd fellow. And now people were talking from morning until night, Kahn's name being constantly heard at the cafes. Ho, ho, but he must be exceedingly rich; a grand shop all done up at his own expense, and then land upon which he was going to build villas! And what if he did not attend Holy Mass, he sent generous subscriptions to Monsieur le Cure —this they knew for a fact. A good fellow he was, and anxious to further everyone's interest. Saint Raphael indeed! very proud of itself, very proud of its train de luxe from Paris. Pou, wait a bit —just wait a few years till the bathing was in full swing at Saint Loup; 275