married man cannot indulge his whims, he has ceased to be his own master. Do you think that I would throw good money away. Not I, with Elise and our pretty AuranoP Once a lover and lord of the sea he had been, then the lover and lord of a mortal woman; but now he was the slave of Aurano's blue eyes which were bluer far than his own or her mother's, of Aurano's minute but imperious hands that grabbed at his hair and his gaily striped jersey, of Aurano's delightful chuckling laugh that tumbled over itself with enjoyment. There she was, an actual bit of his body, yet a creature whose beauty he thought so amazing that whenever he touched her soft white limbs he could scarcely believe that his crude seed had made her, and must worship this transfiguration of himself, for when all was said and done Goundran was human. But meanwhile people noted what Goundran was saying, for had he not been a close friend of Jouse? And so what with his speeches, and Mere Melanie's ire which had led to the cutting of Jouse in public, and Madame Roustan's unceasing wails, and Madame Simon's pained criticisms, and Hermitte's terror lest Jouse should join with the mayor in a plot to rob him of money, it was not surprising that those who had begun by feeling aggrieved were soon feeling resentful. §2 This disaffection of their neighbours and friends had begun to weigh heavily upon Marie. It was not that people said much to her face, but rather the things that she knew they were thinking, and she dreaded her morning shopping, these days — dreaded the carefully guarded words which veiled the rising resentment against Jouse. For now among those who had known him for years, one friend only 288