renewed desolation. And what could they do? It was dreadful to see him sitting hunched in his chair and he near to weeping. Marie racked her brains for encouraging words, Christophe tried his best to distract and amuse him, even Loup became docile and ate the food that his mother had prepared, without complaint; but Jouse's whole being was one immense ache for the solace that lay so close to his hand . . . the strong comforting wine from the vineyards of Provence, Then quite suddenly Anfos began to laugh, and he laughed and laughed, losing all self-control, so that he choked and spat out his soup which ran down his beard and the front of his shirt — a thick, greasy trickle mixed with saliva. Clutching the tip of his beard he sucked it, still choking and gasping and spluttering with laughter, until in the end he must hold his side and his belly: CO! O!! O!' And he rocked himself now this way and now that,