they are raping and slaying women and children* Belgium weeps this day side by side with France, they two are united in the bonds of affliction. Their daughters are outraged, their sons are slain, their holy places are being polluted. It is surely the Anti- Christ who has come. In the name of the true Christ, rise up and destroy him! 'Ah, my brothers, my sisters, I stand here before you as your priest, but I also stand here as a man who is filled with a righteous and enduring anger. And as priest and man I solemnly declare that for us this war is a holy war against a people possessed by Satan. Yes, and this I declare in the name of peace, as one who has given himself to Christ's service: there can be no Christian peace in the world, no peace that is truly pleasing to God until Germany lies defeated in the dust and burnt in the flames of her own damnation! Therefore listen you who are the fathers of sons, give your sons without stint, give them nobly, gladly, for to-day there is only one Father—God; and God it is who demands them of you. And you who are the mothers of sons listen also, give your sons without tears, give them splendidly, sternly, for to-day there is only one Mother — France; and France it is who demands them of you. And you who are in the first pride of your manhood, leave all for the sake of God and your country; for the sake of a noble and honour- able cause, for the sake of our hard-won civilization, As I look upon you I feel my own youth rushing back to me through your superb young valour. I feel your strength entering into my arms, and into my voice, and into my heart; and I say to the Christ: "Here are those who will fight for the cross upon which You were crucified!" And to France I say: "Behold your defenders!"5 The Cure made the sign of salvation and left the pulpit — the sermon was over. 335