M&anie in her own private sanctum occasionally produced something stronger, the doctor was spared any consequent grief—what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve over. At the cafe there might also be those home on leave who were drinking their fill and a little bit extra, for when men have made a long sojourn in hell it is not surprising that they should feel thirsty. Then the whole and the maimed would grow merry together, their jests being bandied from table to table in the anatomical argot of war with which even civilians were becoming familiar. But the little violinist with the hump on his back must often sigh as he looked at the wounded, and that sigh would not be because of their wounds but because he was actually filled with envy — it was better to have a useless leg, an ersatz hand, or a lung that was hardening, for the sake of glory, than an inglorious hump because one's father had kicked one's mother. And now when he played, in spite of his efforts the fiddle would sound as though it were wailing, so that M£re Melanie when he came to her bed must box his ears for an indolent lout who no longer put spirit into his tunes, although there was plenty of it in his belly: 'To hear you is to think of a hearse;' she would rage. 'Mon Dieu, you have cause enough to rejoice that deformed as you are you need not fight. The least you can do is to earn your keep!' And then she would suddenly box his ears, for the sight of him often aroused her anger. However, he would seldom reply to such gibes, even when his beloved chastised him severely. What was the use of trying to explain? And in any case he would be fuddled with brandy. §3 During November Goundran returned on the brief- est of leaves. He was browner than ever and appar- 358