And he thought that never before had she looked so wonderful as she looked on this night when they two, for the first time, were meeting as lovers. He said, as he raised her hand to his lips: CI cannot believe I am awake, ^Eliana, although everything else in the world seems like a dream.5 She smiled at his courtly, old fashioned gesture; smiled and wondered when he would kiss her mouth, when he would take her into his arms: 'And yet I am very much in love/ she told him, 'from the first time we met ... it came like that ... all of a sudden I knew that we must. . . .* She paused^ something warned her to be on her guard, to tread warily with this unusual creature for whom she had conceived so clamorous a need, cthat we two were meant for each other;3 she finished. 'Yes,5 he answered gravely, CI am sure that I also was in love from the very first moment I saw you/ He was thinking: 'I must not make her afraid; I must handle her gently . . . not like that other. Doubtless she remembers and is feeling afraid.' And at this thought a great tenderness surged up in him, a great wave of chivalry, so that he gazed with deep love in his eyes yet forbore to touch her. Then he said: 'When we two are married, mon amour, I will show you how a man can care for a woman — how strong but how kind a thing love can be.5 'When we two are married?5 she queried in amaze- ment. 'Yes,5 he smiled, not hearing that incredulous tone, cand I think that we ought to marry quite soon, before I leave for my military training. I would have it quite soon, for I want you so much ... I dare not let you know how much, -