it is Wednesday, of course, your mother dreams. But why have you dressed as though for mass?' That is ^my affair,5 snapped le tout petit Loup, noisily sipping his cafe au lait, 'since I earn I suppose I may dress as I please. A man's clothes are not the concern of women.5 'Houi, but you speak to me roughly,9 she sighed; 'I cannot understand why you like to wound.9 He could not understand it himself, so he shrugged and went on eating his breakfast. When he had finished he left the house, banging the front door loudly behind him. Did he mean to sweep floors for the fat Monsieur Bled? Ah, foutre! he had done with that species of offal. Turn, turn, dada dee;' sang le tout petit Loup as he marched towards the recruiting office, Ctum3 turn, dada dee; dada dee, turn, turn/ He wished that he could remember the words; they were spicy and male, rather lewd in fact, but what would you? He sucked a cavernous tooth and spat very skilfully into the gutter. Arrived at the Gendarmerie he went in: 'Bonjour, Monsieur,' he began with great aplomb. A couple of poilus lounging near-by nudged each other and grinned; then they looked at his shoes, nudged each other again and grinned more broadly. The sous-officier, who stood by his desk, gazed down at le tout petit Loup with amazement: 'Eh bien, what is this? have you lost yourself? Be good enough, please, to explain your business.' 'Assuredly,' bowed le tout petit Loup, 'I am here, Monsieur, to enter the army.' The tall sous-officier scratched his ear: cMais, bon Dieu, how old are you then, my infant?' CI am nearly eighteen,' lied le tout petit Loup, 'I wish to enlist before I am taken.' Then he spoke with great earnestness, 'Listen, Monsieur, I assure 435