have sworn that he shot up a foot as he stood there, at all events he felt suddenly tall as he also raised his hand to the salute: 'Vive la France!' cried le tout petit Loup in a voice that he managed to keep from trembling, Le tout petit Loup went back to the Bazaar, and as good luck would have it Monsieur Bled did not scold him: 'You are late/ he remarked, but quite affably, for smart boys were increasingly hard to come by. Then he said: 'I shall want you to clean some windows this morning, but first you must sweep the shop. Look, I have bought you a brand new broom. "He is worth a new broom,55 I thought to myself as I bought it. Allons, mon brave, en avant!5 So le tout petit Loup took off his best coat and turned up his trousers and put on an apron. And he went into action with a broom in his hand, killing nothing more fierce than a wily old cockroach. And he swept and he swept with the dust in his lungs, but with something less dry than dust in his eyes. After which he put away his new broom, fetched a bucket and proceeded to clean the windows. That evening Loup said to his father and mother: 'I have an announcement to make, my parents5; and it must be admitted that he spoke pompously. CI desire to announce ray plans for the future. Having given the matter my careful attention I have come to the conclusion that with my fine brains I cannot do better than become a teacher. I shall therefore see Monsieur Roland at once and inform him that I will accept his suggestion. When the war is over there is not the least doubt that my studies will be completed in Paris.5 'Now blessed be God and His Golden Saints!3 exclaimed Marie; and she kissed le tout petit Loups 437