said: 'A weak brew? Well, perhaps, but a good dash of hate gingers up the worst cocktail; moreover; if they trust their leader they will fight. The worm that is baited too long may turn and surprise, its tormentors by becoming a scorpion.5 And then he had whistled a bright little tune, which meant that: the brief conversation was ended. ./; A queer medley the Legion d'Orient; the Syrians, fine looking fellows for the most part, with thfe dignity of the Arab race and the eyes of those who look out on wide spaces. The Armenians as different from each other in type as a carrion crow from a mountain eagle;- some tall, finely featured, agile and brave; some squat; some resembling Jewish pawnbrokers; a people that while struggling to find itself had been marred in the making by persecution, but a people that never lost sight of its wrongs or despaired of a possible day of vengeance. Christophe sat with his rifle across his knees; he appeared to be staring intently at nothing. On one side of him Jan was telling his beads, his face tense with a kind of fanatical rapture; on the other a weedy Armenian crouched — Toto, he was nick-named, after the lice that revelled in his greasy and tender skin; it was all but impossible to de-louse him. Toto flinched at every burst of a shell and he talked in a rapid, hysterical whisper. His French was fluent but execrable, and while he whispered he scratched his armpits: 'My mother, I think of her,5 he was saying, 'my mother lay hidden for two days in a dung-heap, and she big with child, her time almost come — that was in 1896 when my father was murdered at Constantinople. Men, women and children they bludgeoned to death, my father's brains were splashed on the pavement. I was born with the taste of dung in my mouth, oh, yes, but I was baptized a Christian. My poor people 470