14 MEMOIRS OF THE DUKE OF SAIOT-SIMOK Fagon, whom nobody else would have dared to attack Fagon by disdain, often by anger, and with all his wit was These short scenes were sometimes very amusing. ; Brissac, a few years before his retirement, served the Court a nice turn. All through the winter they attended evening prayers on Thursdays and Sundays, because the King went there; and, under the pretence of reading their prayer- little tapers before them, which cast a light on their and enabled the King to recognise them as he passed. On the when they knew he would not go, scarcely 1 one of went. One evening, when the Bang was expected, al the arrived, and were in their places, and the at their doors. Suddenly, Brissac appeared in the lifted his baton, and cried aloud, " Guards of the return to your quarters; the King is not this evening/* The guards withdrew; but after they a short distance, were stopped by brigadiers for the purpose^ and told to return in a few minutes. What said was a joke. The ladies at once began to one to another. In a moment or two all the candles put out, and the ladies, with but few exceptions, left the chapel. Soon after the King arrived, and, much astonished to see so few ladies present, asked how it was that nobody there. At the conclusion of the prayers Brissac he had done, not without dwelling on the piety of the Court ladies. The King and all who accompanied him heartihr. The story soon spread, and these ladies | Brissac if they had been able. | de Bourgogne being in the family way this I inconvenienced. The King wished to go to | at the commencement of the fine season,, con- | to his custom; had declared this wish. In I the he to pay visits to Marly. Madame I cle Mm; he could not do without her, I yet so was not suitable to her state. Madame I