VOYSIN SUCCEEDS CHAMILLART. 107 the triumph of Madame de Maintenon was completed, and that Toy sin, her creature, was the succeeding Secretary of State. This Voysin had the one indispensable quality for ad- mission into the counsels of Louis XIV.—not a drop of noble blood in his veins. He had married, in 1683, the daughter of Trudaine. She had a very agreeable countenance, without any affectation. She appeared simple and modest, and occupied with her household and good works; but in reality, had sense, wit, cleverness, above all, a natural insinuation, and the art of bringing things to pass without being perceived. She kept with great tact a magnificent house. It was she who received Madame de Maintenon at Dinan, when the King was besieging. ISTamur; and, as she had been instructed by ML de Luxem- bourg in the way to please that lady, succeeded most effectu- ally. Among her arts was her modesty, which led her pru- dently to avoid pressing herself on Madame de Maintenon, or showing herself more than was absolutely necessary. She was sometimes two whole days without seeing her. A trifle, luckily contrived, finished the conquest of Madame de Main- tenon. It happened that the weather passed suddenly from, excessive heat to a damp cold, which lasted a long time. Im- mediately, an excellent dressing-gown, simple, and well lined, appeared in the corner of the chamber. This present, by so- much, the more agreeable, as Madame de Maintenon had not brought any warm clothing, tpuched her also by its sudden- ness, and by its simple appearance, as if of its own accord. In this way, the taste of Madame de Maintenon for Madame- Voysin was formed and increased. Madame Voysin obtained an appointment for her husband, and coming to Paris, at last, grew extremely familiar with Madame de Maintenon. Voj7sin himself had much need of the wife that Providence had given him. He was perfectly ignorant of everything but the duties- of an Intendant. He was, moreover, rough and uncivil, as the- courtiers soon found. He was never unjust for the sake of being so, nor was he bad naturally; but he knew nothing but authority, the King and Madame deMaintenon, whose will• was. unanswerable—his sovereign law and reason. The choice was.