THE MAERIAGE AGREED UPON. 129 But I had felt that it was necessary to act vigorously, and pressed the Due d'Orleans to speak to the King. To my sur- prise he suddenly heaped up objections, derived from the public disasters, with which a princely marriage would contrast dis- agreeably. The Duchesse d'Orleans was strangely staggered by this admission; it only angered me. I answered by repeat- ing all my arguments. At last he gave way, and agreed to •write to the King. Here, again, I had many difficulties to over com e, and was obliged, in fact, to write the letter myself, and dictate it to him. He made one or two changes; and at.last signed and sealed it. But I had the greatest difficulty yet in inciting him to give it to the King. I had to follow him, to urge him, to pique hirn, almost to push him into the presence. The King received the letter very graciously; it had its effect • and the marriage was resolved on. When the preliminaries were settled, the Due and Duchesse d'Orleans began to show their desire that Madame de Saint- Simon should be lady of honour to their daughter when she had become the Duchesse de Berry. I was far from flattered by this distinction, and refused as best I might. Madame de Saint- Simon went to have an audience of the Duchesse deBourgogne^ and asked not to be appointed; but her objections were not- listened to, or listened to with astonishment. Meanwhile- I endeavoured to bring about a reconciliation of the Due d'Orleans with La Choin; but utterly failed. La Choin posi- tively refused to have anything to do with the Due and Duchesse. I was much embarrassed to communicate this news, to them, to whom I was attached. It was necessary, however,, to do so. I hastened to Saint Cloud, and found the Due and Duchesse d'Orleans at table with Mademoiselle and some ladies in a most delightful menagerie, adjoining the railing of the avenue near the village, with a charming pleasure-garden attached to it. All this belonged, under the name of Mademoi- selle, to Madame de Mare", her governess. I sat down and chatted with them; but the impatience of the Due d'Orleans to learn the news could not be checked. He asked me if I was very satisfied. " Middling," I replied, not to spoil his dinner; VOL. IT. 9